Soarvo for...
mobile mapping

Soarvo empowers mapping specialists with advanced tools for seamless data integration, 3D mapping, visualisation and sharing enabling faster, more accurate insights for terrain mapping, GIS projects, and geospatial intelligence.

Mapping specialist technical specifications

Efficient data management

Keep all your mobile mapping data organised and accessible in a single platform, allowing for quick retrieval and analysis.

Integrated drone imagery processing

Combine mobile mapping data with drone imagery to create detailed, high-quality maps and models that support your projects.

Unified data visualisation

Visualise mobile mapping datasets alongside drone captures and CAD files, creating a comprehensive, layered view of any location.

Supporting file formats

Work with various mapping and geospatial file formats without the need for additional software, making the data management process seamless.

Georeferenced video playback

Integrate video footage from mapping vehicles and drones with precise geospatial data to review changes and track progress on the move.

Dynamic data interaction

Interact with your data dynamically, allowing you to pinpoint key insights and adjust your project strategy in real-time.

Targeted analysis

Measure specific areas, calculate distances, or compare multiple datasets with precision, ensuring that your mobile mapping data serves the project’s needs.

Streamlined client collaboration

Share geospatial data with your clients and team members effortlessly, improving communication and enabling better, faster project collaboration.

Supporting mobile app

Leverage the mobile companion app to capture GCPs or mark key points on-site, streamlining your mobile mapping projects from the field to the office.


Soarvo provides advanced mapping and data visualisation tools, allowing specialists to create accurate maps faster. Its powerful data analytics help interpret geospatial data, giving you actionable insights for your projects.
Soarvo supports a wide range of geospatial file formats, ensuring compatibility with your existing mapping software and datasets.