With SOARVO, data is uploaded via the Upload Panel in the Map Window.
Just click the Upload Files button to begin uploading

File formats and how to upload
Note. Please ensure that the file you are uploading is in the co-ordinate system of the Project
Note. Please ensure you have the correct file names and syntax as detailed below
Note. Please remember that whatever the File or Zip File name is that will be the resultant Layer name
CSV Files
Upload as .CSV file
File must contain a column named “featclass”, plus one of the following fields:
Columns called “x” and “y”
Columns called “latitude” and “longitude”
Column called “geom”, containing a wkt (well known text) ie where the field contains, “point”, “linestring” or “polygon”
SHP Files
Upload an individual shp file as .ZIP file – zip contents of SHP files into one zip file and upload
Zip file must contain the files – .shp .dbf, .shx, .prj
DWG Files
Upload as .DWG file – make sure the file is in the correct measurement units and the extents correctly calculated
Orthomosaics / GeoTiff
Upload as .TIF file with geometry embedded into the .tif or with a separate .tfw file
Point Clouds
Upload as .LAS / .LAZ file
Terrestrial Scanner including 360 Pano Images
Upload point cloud as .LAS file
Zip 360 jpgs and reference .csv file into zip file named .ZIP
3D Tiles / OBJ
Zip .obj,.mtl, and any referenced textures into zip file
Note – ensure texture references do not have any spaces in names
Mobile Mapping Data
Upload point cloud as .LAS file
Zip 360 jpgs and reference .csv file into zip file named .ZIP
Raw Drone Data for Processing
Zip jpgs to .ZIP and upload for processing – Please limit total size of images to 15Gb
zip containing .EXIF.ZIP
Georeferenced MP4 (DJI Compatible)
Zip file containing MP4 and optionally .srt or DJI formatted .csv for georeferencing purposes